Mount Nimba
The Mount Nimba is a massif, part of the Guinean ridge which ensures the extension of Fouta-Djalon, marking the borders between Liberia, Guinea, and the Ivory Coast more precisely in the eighteen mountains in the department of Danané. The highest peaks are located in Guinea and only Mont Richars Mollard, which culminates at 1,752 m, forms a pivot at the edge of the Ivory Coast.
The first explorations of the Guinean and Ivorian mountains date from 1909 and continued until 1959. The results of these exploratory missions led to the classification of this massif in 1944, with the status of Integral Reserve.
Comprising an area of ​​5,092 ha for the Ivorian part, the Mount Nimba Integral Reserve has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1981 for the Guinean part and 1982 for the Ivory Coast.
It has several assets: the presence of rare endemic species (viviparous toads) and semi-aquatic insects; an exceptional floristic richness (forests, savannahs, and high altitude vegetation); a real water tower giving rise to more than 50 waterways.